Thursday, January 17, 2013

Green | Smoothies

It seems Green Smoothies are all the rage lately, and I'm just the latest to jump on that bandwagon.
In fact, just after the new year I joined a 30 day simple green smoothie challenge.( If you are interested, you can find them on Facebook). I've also pinned a dozen or more green smoothie recipes on Pinterest (follow this link to Pinterest if you want to take a peek!)

 I've liked almost all of them a LOT. But, today I decided I would make up one of my own, with the things I had left in my refrigerator/freezer (I need to get to the grocery store soon as my items to choose from are dwindling)

Anyway, surprise, surprise! The smoothie I made today is actually one of my most favorites to date. and yep, I made it up. (Oh yeah,  Go me!!) I liked the texture, (not too icy- and not too watered down either) as well as the taste of the fruits blended together making an exotic taste.

I love being able to get my veggies/fruits in such a fun way via a morning/mid-day smoothie. I really feel like it gives me an energy boost. Plus, it's just plain good for ya!

OK, Here's what I used.

Tropical Green Smoothie

1 1/2 C. Spinach
1 C water
1/2 C Almond milk
1/2 C frozen mango chunks
1/2 C. Frozen Pineapple Chunks
1/2 Tbsp. Honey
1/4 Teaspoon Chia Seeds

and, Voila! Yummy green smoothie...

1 comment:

  1. It sounds good! I'm going to have to try it! Thanks for sharing!
