Tuesday, September 24, 2013


I love this song and video by Sara Bareillas. My 6 year old likes to sing to this one when it comes on in the car and I love the message it sends. (what a mom thing of me to say, I know)

If you haven't heard (or seen the video) take a listen! Pure clean fun and inspiring!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Summertime Sadness

I love Fall, but I've got a little Summertime Sadness too. Anyone else?

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Living a simple Life

I've recently joined the MNN website/network, and have signed up for MNN Clean the Clutter Challenge!

Basically, it is all about living a more simple life, and what you can do over the course of a year to do so. Baby steps!!

There is a simplify your wardrobe challenge- which starts on October 1 and sounds interesting, But I don't think I'm ready for that one just yet. So, here is the basic items that I have vowed to work on over the course of the next 10 days. Some of these things I have already been doing for the past few months, but some are new additions. My goal is to go really hardcore on the below items for the next 10 days. I will post updates as to how I am doing too.

The items are divided into 3 categories; Shape Up, Pare Down, Tune In

shape up: more water/tea
more dinners “IN” (less eating OUT)
exercise 5 days a week
in bed by 10pm and- no internet (including iPhone) after 10pm
pare down: declutter for 15 minutes a day!
tune in: spend more time outdoors
spend time at least one day doing one “artistic” thing per week (photography, soap-making etc..)

Monday, March 18, 2013

Music | Mondays

Check out Haim! After finding out about them last week I couldn't stop listening to this song. Aren't they the coolest 80's retro vibe but with a modern feel? Love it.

Monday, March 11, 2013

What |makes| great| Art?

I've been pondering the question about photography and art in general the last few days. When I learned about Naked Judging: The 2012 Canteen Awards in Photography
I was immediately drawn to the idea of being be able to see/hear some of the judging process.

As a photographer who has submitted to a handful of photo exhibitions, I've always wondered what goes into the judging process and how the jurors come about their decisions and how/what makes it to the final cut. So, even though I did not enter this particular exhibition (I did not even know about it prior) I was more than intrigued to view the judging experience. (if by chance you did not know about or get to view the judging live, it was also recorded and can be seen here on You Tube). If you did watch, what did you think? Certainly the process is not without flaw, but say what you will it was transparent, and interesting to learn from.

Thus, the eternal question is the one that asks, "What Makes Great Art"? As always, Art is subjective in quality. What one may be enamoured with another may find dull. And it is this very idea that is curious to me. Personally, I am most intrigued with pieces of Art work (be in photography or otherwise) that ask a question, or makes me wonder. For myself, if the image is not making me think in some fashion, or give me a reaction in my soul (even if it is one that offends me), then I'm not sure it is truly a good piece. Part of this being from a social services background and my general favor towards photo journalistic style. But, honestly,  can't just about anyone grab a camera and take a photo of a picturesque lake on a mountain side while the sun rises t and most probably and it will look "pretty"?

That's not what it is all about to me. So, when you ask yourself what kind of art you seek to make- what do you answer? Are you making art with the sole drive that you hope/feel/wish others will like? Or are you making art that you get feel free to make and are happy producing? ( my answer is the latter, and I hope it is safe to assume that all great artists have also done/felt/thought the same). As viewers we want to see photos and art work that come from the heart. As readers we want to read words from the soul. People are not stupid, we can spot fakes a mile away.

So, be true to yourself. Create for yourself, and the vision will unleash itself accordingly. If you are in dire need of getting a congratulatory slap on the back and praise from those whom you look up to, then you may be in the wrong field. But, I absolutely believe if you do work for yourself and that comes from your soulful interest(s), then you will find success.

Those are my feelings on Art (and when I say art it is of many form;s visual, music, writing, etc..) and I could be way off, but it's my opinion. :)

What are your thoughts/feelings on the subject? I'd love to hear!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Box |Squared | Exhibition

A few weeks ago I posted this blog entry about having the honor of one of my works chosen for the Box Squared exhibition at the Center For Fine Arts in Colorado. Although I was sad not to be able to attend the opening reception personally, the assistant programs coordinator at Box Squared forwarded a few images of the exhibition to me which I really appreciated and thought I would share here.


My image , "Headstones" is in the photo below on the very left.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

(Belated ) Musics | Monday

A day late. But good music nonetheless.
Araceli- Nataly Dawn
Wont Let You Leave -Jenny O

Parachute- Ingrid Michaelson
Navy -Kilo Kish

Friday, March 1, 2013

What | Are | You | Complaining | About?

Happy TGIF!

Have you visited "The Happiness Project" yet?

Gretchen Rubin has a great website full of inspiring quotes and questions to get you thinking..

 Gretchen's video story/post that begs to look at why we complain. It really rings true, because in the scope of life, I don't have all THAT much to complain about. I mean if you really think about it. Yes things could always be BETTER but , if we are going to complain well, at least complain about something truly complain worthy, right??

What do you think? Like me, do you find yourself complaining all too often about the simple things? The things that in actuality are part of life's joys? I don't want to go out in the rain and pick up my Kindergartner at the bus stop (yet seeing her smiling face everyday brings me huge joy) .  I don't feel like making dinner for my family. (The very same family that I love and adore and feel grateful for!) Etc..Etc..

Here is the link to Gretchen Rubin's story about complaining- http://www.happiness-project.com/happiness_project/2013/02/story-what-am-i-really-complaining-about/

What do you find yourself complaining about MOST? What do you do to try to curb your negative thoughts and not complain, or do you feel it is better to complain and get it out?


Wednesday, February 27, 2013

self | portraits

really enjoying my 30 day "In  Plain Sight" photo project. 

Monday, February 25, 2013

Music | Mondays

today  I am feeling like I want to leave the suburbs. Like I need to get away. Do more. Be more in addition to all that i am. Do you ever have days like that?

Music inspires me to leave. Even if only in my mind.

What inspires you?

The Head & The Heart -"Ghosts -(van sessions)"

Glen Hansard "Don't leave me waiting"

Michael Kiwanuka "I'm getting ready"

Friday, February 22, 2013

Friday |ness

Alas, it is Friday.

We are still recovering from the stomach flu at our house. Blech.

It's windy and the rain is due at any moment.
I've had 3 cups of coffee this morning. And I can't get warm enough.

Tomorrow I go to get my hair cut. Thinking about something different, as I get bored very quickly. I have to keep it interesting, but there is only so much you can do with stick straight super thin hair!

I hope to do more reading this weekend. Reading when it is warm and sunny outside, leaves me feeling guilty but when it is cool and rainy, it seems perfect. no?

I'm still keeping up with my 30 day of self portraits class, with Catherine Just. I'm really enjoying it.

What will you be doing this weekend?

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Wordless | Wednesday

I'm really enjoying taking part in Catherine Just's E-course {In Plain Sight}. I feel it is really making me  find the time to take a photo or two a day and pushing my creativity. I've chosen self portraits as my 30 day project. Something I feel uncomfortable and vulnerable doing (being in front of the camera). But, an area I wanted to push myself because of those very reasons.

Backyard -Not Feeling Pretty Today

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Wordless | Wednesday

Remember that cute lace top I found at the Thrift store a few weeks back?

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Valentine's| Day | Jewelry Gift Guide

Need some last minute thoughts/ideas on what to get your honey?

 Well, I always think you just can't go wrong with jewelry. Or chocolate. Hmm...better make that jewelry AND chocolate!!! And, you know what they say about diamonds. Yet, I think that it pretty much applies to ALL jewelry though.

Marilyn Monroe Source: weheartit.com 

 Some of my favorite jewelry right now are by Kendra Scott. I really love the simplicity but moderness to her pieces. Plus, they are all over the press and have had oodles of celebrity sightings wearing KS!

 Now, personally usually  prefer simple, classic pieces. I tend to like very feminine items when it comes to my baubles. And, I'm really into the look of gold right now, too. But, I am also digging all of those "statement" pieces that have seemed to sprouted up EVERYwhere. Yes, I too heart them.

Kenddra Scott has some beautiful ones! The Harlow Necklace is amaze. It's the epitomy of statement piece. And it comes in all kinds of fun colors.

The  Danielle Earrings ( in Carnelian color) are just gorgeous. I could definitely see myself wearing them as I have always loved dangly earrings! Don't these just scream throw your hair up in a messy bun or cute chignon and head out on a date with your significant other? Of course, I would rock these at Target too. Heck yeah! Love 'em.

 Perhaps you aren't a fan of bright/bold color? Well, I can understand that. What about this beautiful Heather Gardner piece? This 5 Layer Victoria Chain Ethiopian Necklace would stand out in a crowd. It is feminine and beautiful in a fun bohemian way ( I love bohemian stuff!) and would instantly jazz up almost any outfit!

Another fun way to add a cute and easy-to-wear jewelry piece is gorjana's taner bark necklace. It is modern and chic, and goes with just about anything. You can wear it with Jeans and a T-shirt as well as a cute dress when you head out for a night on the town! I also adore their Laurel Bangle bracelet. Again, easy to wear and looks stylish!

 Apparently the Tribal look is going to be HUGE this Spring. If you are a fan of bracelets, this Lisa Stewart turquoise modern small cuff bracelet is stylish enough to be worn alone, but would also look great paired up with a few other bracelets. (I always like to pair my bracelets whenever possible).

Being a mom, I am always on the lookout for unique jewelry pieces that represent the love for my kiddos. There are LOTS of them out there, of course.  I really like this 14k Gold 2 Disc Necklace from Posh Mommy Jewelry. It's simple and I'd probably layer them with a few other thin gold chains. Again, I do like the layered look. :)

What are your thoughts? Do you like to wear jewelry and , if so, what sorts of things are you drooling over and throwing hints at (or just dreaming over)?

Monday, February 11, 2013

Music | Mondays-- The Grammy's Edition

Did you watch the Grammy Awards last night? Even though I'm a huge fan of music I don't generally watch awards shows all that often anymore but I'm going to post a Grammy edition of my first Music Monday in honor of them.

First up, the band "Mumford and Sons" is fantastic, and have gotten a lot of worthy press. They also took home a Grammy last night for Album of The Year.

Check out Mumford & Sons "I Will Wait". (I should note that this band is one of my husband's faves, so it gets played a lot while my kids are in his car. I wish I had video of my two year old belting this song out, as it is quite cute, but sadly I do not)

Another remarkable group? "Florence + the Machine"
Even though they did not win a Grammy, they were nominated for best pop/group performance. If you haven't heard of Florence + The Machine, give them a chance and listen /watch this You Tube video of their song "shake it out". Just soo good.
  Every heard of the band, "Alabama Shakes"? I hadn't either until last year. They were one of the "buzz" bands of 2012 but ironically all still had day jobs in 2011! Pretty cool, huh?
At first sound I immediately really liked their Album debut song "Hold On" because I thought it had such gumption and strong vocals (Although I have to admit, the first few times I heard the song on the radio I actually thought the lead singer was male. I was wrong. Whoops!)
Unfortunately, I don't think they left with an official Grammy but they were nominated for three Grammy awards including best new artist/rock performance.
Give em' a listen.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Pinterest | Roundup | Valentine's Day edition

Are you all getting ready for Valentine's Day next week?!?

 We are !!!

I confess, I never would have considered decorating or really getting into Valentine's Day much prior to having kids. Even though Valentine's Day is kinda special due to the fact that I actually MET my husband on Valentine's Day. (I know. How cute is that, huh??)

Having little ones is a great kick in the butt to get festive and have fun with Holidays in general (even if only  Hallmark holidays). We are finishing up all of our Valentine's Crafts and getting ready for two Valentine's Day parties next week.
First, I'm hosting the Valentine's Day party at C's preschool - everything is planned/organized and purchased and now I just have to make food for 12 little ones next week-! Where did I find so many ideas and inspiration ?? I'll tell you. Like many parents, Pinterest is.my.savior!!

A's Kindergarten party is also next week, and although I can't attend (because I'll be at C's preschool party at the same time) I volunteered to bring in all of the paper plates/napkins for the class (easy-peasy enough completed by a quick Target run to grab supplies)

 At home we have been making some homemade Valentine's as well as a few DIY/Crafts. Being that I'm Pinterest obsessed, I figure it was the perfect opportunity for a Pinterest round-up! Below are just a taste of some fun holiday ideas, and the links provided below. There are soooo many more --
to see them all you may just want to follow me HERE on Pinterest!!!!

#1Valentine Branch Tree at The DIY Dreamer
#2 Pretty Simple Garland by Lemon Tree Dwelling 
#3 Heart Lunches by Lisa Storms
#4 Be My Valentine Cookies by Land O Lakes (bonus these are dye free!)

I think we will make a few more Valentine -ish crafts this weekend (and I'll blog about them next week!) 
but so far..

  • I made not one, but TWO of the Valentine Branch Trees (they were so simple/cute, I figured why the heck not?)

  •  I attempted to make the sweet garland yesterday but for some reason couldn't find doilies at Target.

  •  And I am making a similar version of the Heart lunches for the kids at C's presschool next week. Not sure which dessert though-yet!

*Side note*--this blog was written assuming you are equally an obsessed Pinterest person but if you have been living under a rock not heard of it and don't know what Pinterest is all about, I encourage you to check it out! It is essentially a "virtual pinboard" on which you can collect and share just about anything you view on the internet. Oh and, yes, it is addictive. ;)

So, do you get into Valentine's Day?  care to share your Pinterest finds for the week? Feel free to link up!!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Wordless | Wednesday

jump around. jump around. jump up- jump up -and get down!

Linking up to The Paper Mama , and project alicia

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Thrift | Shop | Challenge

Hey ya!

So, the good people over at Young House Love posted this Macklemore Thrift Shop Challenge bout a week ago and I knew I wanted to give it a try.  I love to shop, and I love it even more when I find a good deal!! T.J. Maxx and Marshall's are my best friend, but on occasion I like checking out local thrift stores too. What I love about them is that you really have to dig around but you never know what you may find!

The goal of this challenge was to go thrift shoppin' with just $20 in your pocket (like the song says) and spend it on whatever you wanted. You were supposed to take a pic of yourself outside the shop with your $20, but I forgot to go to the ATM (i rarely carry cash anymore) so I took a lame pic of myself with my phone sans 20 dollar bill anyway. But, I promise you I did not spend more than $20 though!

I think my total was $18 something?

I really do not like this photo I took of myself quickly before I entered Goodwill. But I am going to play along and post it anyway! Gotta love how my wrinkles and creases show up while I look into the sun!

-----OK. sorry I had to take down this photo of me. It was really creepin' me out. lol--------

Also, to make it even more fun (as if shopping could get more fun??!) there was a scavenger-hunt type of quality to the challenge as well, as you were supposed to snap a photo of something heard in the song.

I found a pair of moccasins as referenced in the song. Not bad right? hahah

And, here's what I went away with for real!

  • 2 matching wrought iron candlesticks (I love wrought iron and liked that it was a pair!) $3.93
  • cute lace top $2.99
  • Cotto floor tile (that can be hung on a wall) $2.12
  • 5x7 picture frame $1.91
  • cute gold flats $3.99

Do you like thrift shopping? And if so, where do you go and what gems have you found??



Saturday, February 2, 2013

More | Green | Smoothie

My husband took our daughters out this morning for a few hours to a local children's gym while I stayed home and worked out/and got a peaceful (ie: no kids storming in the bathroom asking me where something is or whining about their sister not sharing) shower. Oh, and then I made a quick trip down to our local Goodwill store ...But more on that later.

He called me on his way home and told me they were picking up Chick-Fil-A and if I wanted any thing. Ummm. I kinda did want a chicken wrap. But, I said no and instead opted for something a little healthier instead.

Enter Green Smoothie.

I made one of my favorite's again the Tropical Green Smoothie (visit blog post a few weeks ago for recipe). But, I made a few minor changes to it and liked it even MORE. This time I added an extra 1/4 cup of chopped ice. and, a half banana. Yummmers!!

A few photos of the before and after shown below.

Oh, and notice how I now have a lovely watermark thanks to Kelsey?? :) :) No, it is nothing fancy, just a simple watermark that was super easy to make in Lightroom!

Friday, February 1, 2013

&(%$##!! | Watermarks |

Many photographers watermark their online images for security and protection of their images. Makes sense. I used to do this, and then got lazy. But then yesterday I read a story online about someone swiping photos of their kids off off a photo sharing community (Flickr) and using them in not nice ways.

This morning I sat down to make a Watermark.   So that I too, can start protecting my images (as much as possible) on the internet.

I thought I remembered how to do this. I thought maybe it would take me 15 minutes tops to bust one out.

Well, you know what i learned this morning?

That I suck at making watermarks!!!!!! (And anything to do with photoshop Elements in general.)

I have spent the past hour reading through them, and I still can't get a darn good looking watermark. I don't even want it to be fancy. 

Just basic. And I know I prefer the Png type, because I don't deal with brushes. Ever.

I need to take a class on how to do this stuff. There are hundreds of free online tutorials on this very topic (and you have probably seen them online if you are too a photographer).

Anyone want to make me one? Because seriously, this is what I came up with. Go ahead and laugh. ;)

 How I got my last name to be more highlighted than the other words is beyond me??!! ( I did not do so intentionally) Hmm...

Oh and I thought I had made a box for this to go in. But, nope. Looks like that did not work either. 

Are you a photographer who also struggles with photo editing software??? Makes me feel frustrated (cursed at my computer on and off for the past hour, thankfully little one #2 was watching TV and not listening at the time!)  
So, am  I the world's most most incompetent at Photoshop Elements photographer??!! 


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Organization |Yay? Nay? |

I'm all for bettering myself.

So far we are about a month into the new year of 2013.

And so far I have stuck to my "eating healthier" goal, my 30 day green smoothie challenge (Ok I fibbed 2 or 3 days when I needed to go grocery shopping desperately but that is all, I swear!) and keeping up with exercising in some capacity 4-5 days a week.

My goal of getting myself/my life/my home more organized???. ..Umm..well.. I am working on that one.

God knows I am not the most organized of people. Nor am I a neat freak. Not hardly. I attribute those things to being more laid back, and kind of a right brained person. Granted, having kids makes you become more organized in a sense. And, being married to a military man does too. (Although being married to me as well as having two daughters has also changed him and forced him to become less of a neat freak, haha!)

But, really, I DO want to be more organized. I like to think that I'm artistic and I'm just not predisposed to the organization gene as much as others are. That might sound ridiculous to some people, but that is how I have thought of it. :)

I also blame attribute some of this on moving around so darn much! How am I ever to get organized when we are moving so often and a quarter of my things I feel like I am just digging out of a box when it is time to up and move again??! Do ya blame me ??

However, I have found my lack of organization also limits me. For instance. I love clothes but keeping my closet and shoes neat and tidy is something I've always had issues with. So here I have clothes, and love shopping, but finding a certain piece of clothing on any given day is not my forte'. Just when I am looking for one thing, I don't know where it is!t! (Which is frustrating.)

Another example: I started a Photography Workshop two weeks ago on Clickin Moms. I love learning new things when it comes to photography and after years of owning a nice DSLR , realize I still have lots to learn about it all. We have weekly photo assignments and daily posts to make, but yesterday my camera's battery died and.. I spent at least an hour and a half searching the house for my charger. I cannot remember where I last placed it. The dining room? The 3rd floor play area? Ughh!! Today I still cannot find it. Frustrating!

Personally, one way of making myself feel more organized is by cutting back on the amount of "stuff" we have in our house by either selling on Craigslist or donating to Goodwill. You know, things we don't use anymore (like old baby items, or clothes that I'm just not into/bored or tired of) Plus, it makes me feel good that i'm giving these things a new home!

But, I still need a LOT of help in the organization department. I recently saw these books on Amazon and I am considering investing in a few. All deal with organization. I have no idea how good they are or not, but the reviews are decent. I thought I would share with you all that also may need a bit of help.
From those of you that are already totally awesome organized - share with me and the rest of us how you do it!!

I'd love to hear from you!


Books on organization  that may or may not rock (from amazon)

Now..if only I had time to read them all!!

Monday, January 28, 2013

| monday | pep talk

We all need a little encouragement from time to time. And, sometimes even more so on Mondays! So check out this cute, funny and inspiring pep talk from Kid President. It's worth it!

Happy Monday, and be AWESOME!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

| kid friendly| lasagna rolls |

Although, I don't really anticipate becoming a food blogger, you may see a recipe or two show up on here from time to time if they really hit the jackpot for me/us. So, I have to give a shout out from Budget Bytes for the lasagna rolls.

 First, let me tell you that I have two daughters (one of whom is notoriolusly picky) and although I had to make some changes to this recipe.. picky daughter loved it!! That is huge in my book is huge! It isn't necessarily the healthiest or the most nutritious, but anytime we get to sit down at the dinner table without whining/complaining/crying about something being too gross or disgusting is a success in my book. The recipe calls for spinach but my oldest daughter wont eat anything that is green, or even has a tiny bit of green in it ( with the exception of sweet peas and even then she swallows them whole so that she cannot taste them) so I had to omit the spinach from her portion. She is also not big on red sauce of any kind (marina, spaghetti, etc..) both of which this recipe calls for. But, it was easy enough to make one batch of filling for the rolls that was "spinach free" while the rest of us ate with spinach. Also, although I did still put marinara on all of them when it was time to bake for the sake of not drying the rolls out, it was easy enough to scrape off after they were out of the oven. The prep time was not too bad and it was only 30 minutes to bake.

 So, thank you again Budget Bytes for this great lasagna recipe. Picky kid (with adjustment) approved!

 p.s my husband liked them a lot too!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


The lack of blogging, can be summed up in one word. Sick.

It seems we cuaght a bug around here. My oldest was sick first, then my younger, and now..yep, me.

A's bedside table. Lots of water and tea.

My husband probably wont get it (lucky bastard) because he rarely seems to get all the sickies that my kids bring home. I have no idea how he does it. He eats OK and he doesn't take ANY vitamins. And here I have been the one drinking green smoothies for the past 3 weeks and watching everything I eat. Ah well! Some people are just "lucky" that way aren't they?!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

| Box Squared | Exhibition |

 The Center for Fine Art Photography's 'Box Squared' Exhibition.

I don't enter a lot of photography exhibitions, but there's something always exciting about the process for me when I do. And, of course, even more thrilling is finding out when one of your photographs was actually selected.

 That said, I am honored to have one of my photographs selected in the 'Box Squared' exhibition at the Center For Fine Art Photography. The juror for this exhibition was Kim ARam who is the founder/publisher of BLINK*magazine (very cool online photography mag).

 The exhibition is on display at the Center's online gallery and physical gallery from January 11 - February 9, 2013. To view my piece "head stones" as well as the other chosen photographs visit The C4FAP's online gallery.

 And, if you are in the Fort Collins, Colorado area don't miss the public reception on February 1, from 6 - 9pm. (unfortunately I wont be able to attend personally, but would love to hear from anyone who can go!).

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Green | Smoothies

It seems Green Smoothies are all the rage lately, and I'm just the latest to jump on that bandwagon.
In fact, just after the new year I joined a 30 day simple green smoothie challenge.( If you are interested, you can find them on Facebook). I've also pinned a dozen or more green smoothie recipes on Pinterest (follow this link to Pinterest if you want to take a peek!)

 I've liked almost all of them a LOT. But, today I decided I would make up one of my own, with the things I had left in my refrigerator/freezer (I need to get to the grocery store soon as my items to choose from are dwindling)

Anyway, surprise, surprise! The smoothie I made today is actually one of my most favorites to date. and yep, I made it up. (Oh yeah,  Go me!!) I liked the texture, (not too icy- and not too watered down either) as well as the taste of the fruits blended together making an exotic taste.

I love being able to get my veggies/fruits in such a fun way via a morning/mid-day smoothie. I really feel like it gives me an energy boost. Plus, it's just plain good for ya!

OK, Here's what I used.

Tropical Green Smoothie

1 1/2 C. Spinach
1 C water
1/2 C Almond milk
1/2 C frozen mango chunks
1/2 C. Frozen Pineapple Chunks
1/2 Tbsp. Honey
1/4 Teaspoon Chia Seeds

and, Voila! Yummy green smoothie...

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

new year, new goals? or not. so. much.

OK now that we are a few weeks into the new year. Did you make a New Years Resolution? And if so, How have you fared thus far?

For me- I don't know if I like the word "resolution". It seems there is a lot of expectation involved in that word. But I did make a new year "goal". Mine is a goal that many people can relate to of course,  but I'll share anyway.

Live /eat more healthy!!
Yes, I love chocolate and sweets (and chips and carbs, and just food in general) and I tend to go overboard when I eat these things :) My goal is to become more concious of what I put into my body. To take a more thoughtful approach to my own diet. I would not mind shedding a few pounds either  (esp as we head into the scary bathing suit season) but that is not my main intent. Mostly I don't want to eat crap all day and feel sluggish. So, I've started this journey with a 30 green smoothie challenge. They are simple to make , an easy way for me to get in fruits/veggies (which I usually am not so great about doing) and I'm finding that I don't dread them either ! Heck, some of them are actually even kinda tasty and I feel like I'm getting a mid-day energy boost by drinking them at lunch. hehe :)

Wht is your GOAL for the new year?? (if you have one) please share by adding a comment. I'd love to hear!


| Just CLICK it with me |

| Happy New Year | 

Jennifer Edgerton Photography

One of my personal goals (for the new year?) is to photograph more , and not just more. But to share more of the things that I do photograph. I figure, why not combine two things that make me happy (photography and blogging) and create a blog about it all! AND maybe meet a few new souls here and there along the way.

My personal inspiration and style is a photo-journalistic in nature, I tend to photograph daily life stuff that many may just pass by without giving a second glance. But me, I see the beauty in it. However, no doubt since we are living long the coast of South Carolina, the beauty of the area beckons me to photograph it as well and I just may do more of that.

Being a 365 day blog, I shall post at least one photo a day. It may be a photo- it may be a digital photo (I use a Canon 7D), or one of my medium format film cameras (yes, I do love film cameras too), or a simple iPhone shot I took.

I look forward to sharing--and hearing-- from you.
